Important City Phone Numbers

"SWNA - Creating Community in Our Neck of The Woods"

SWNA Membership

All residents who live within the Snow Woods neighborhood boundaries are automatically General Members of the Snow Woods Neighborhood Association (SWNA).

Many households in the neighborhood choose to upgrade their General Membership to an annual Voting Membership by paying yearly membership dues of $20* per household.

* $0.80 convenience fee is added to all online dues payments to cover transaction costs.

The membership dues collected from voting members helps to support SWNA activities and Capital Improvement projects within the neighborhood, which in turn, increases residential property values.

If you would like to upgrade your General Membership to an annual Voting Membership, you have three methods in which to do so: 

1) ONLINE: Click on the "BUY NOW" button on this page. Indicate the correct membership and quantity; or
2) SWNA TREASURER: Contact the SWNA Treasurer, Aaron Romain at; or 

3) IN-PERSON: Attend an SWNA meeting and make an in-person payment of $20 using cash or a check for $20 made out to: SWNA.

PRIVACY NOTICE: Your privacy is respected. The SWNA does not sell or make available to other parties its Voting Membership roster and contact information. It is for SWNA purposes only and its use is restricted to only SWNA officers.  (9/2015)